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Communion Prayer


(Pray) Father, we come in the Name of Jesus asking Your  blessings upon this bread…the Body of Jesus…and this cup…the Blood of Jesus.


As we partake in faith we believe that we are healed. We are delivered and made whole in spirit, soul, and body.  We confess our sins and believe that You have already forgiven us and cleansed us from all unrighteousness. Father, as we come into communion with You, we thank You for Your wonder working power…In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


(Then say:) Jesus then took the bread and blessed it and break it and gave it to His disciples and said “Take…eat…This is My Body (Now eat the bread)

Jesus then took the cup and gave thanks and said “This is the Blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sin. Drink ye all of it” (Now drink the wine)


(Pray) Father, we thank You, for we believe that we receive wholeness in spirit, soul, and body in Jesus’ Name.


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